Guadalajara City Life!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Well this week sure was different! I wouldn't say it was terrible, just busy! I only had the chance to do my personal study 2 times this week. The rest of the week we were in downtown Guadalajara (early early) fixing stuff with visas and other stuff. I get to drive!!!! And driving an 18 passenger van downtown in the 2nd biggest city in Mexico is quite the adventure. I have never been more scared in my life! Nobody is nice when driving here. You have to fight for your life - no laws, no speed limits! The only thing they have to limit us is speed bumps in almost every street. It did though feel nice to drive again, it has been 9 months! I like Guadalajara alot! There is more diversity here. I also saw the first black man in 9 months, oh and the chinese restaurants have real chinese people working there! The area has been asleep for a while and the area book is almost empty. I talked to the members and I guess the other elders here didn't really do anything, but we have been talking alot with the ward offering to do service and they all changed their attitude about the missionary work super fast! I know that this area will have success! Elder Gonzalez is a nice guy, still is super shy but is learning  a lot. He talks way funny! You can tell from the words he uses he is from the border. for example the other day he said ´´¿¿Elder Roberts, se farteĆ³?? I laughed alot. Oh ya the president sent a missionary home so a few changes were made and I guess I have 2 companions. They are the same age in the mission -a little over 3 months old. It is going to be a challenge in the field but I guess it will be better in the oficinas. I have faith it will work out. We have been contacting alot, asking for alot of referencias and I have a feeling soon we will start to see the fruits of our works. Our district has set goals for contacts and lessons with members, and these goals usually didn't apply to those elders in the officinas, but I want to change that. We are going to accomplish all those goals. I have a ton of work to do in the field and in the offices! I have never had this stress before but I know that it will all be fine and all will work out with the help of the Lord.